JKN Tour

Congratulation! We started the travel agency!

In order to provide more aspects of service and solve problems with our guests, now with a legitimate travel agent license, we sincerely hope that we can make you have a satisfied and wonderful Korea journey!

我們日後也會努力充實並發掘更多更好玩的地點帶著大家一起去玩!也會去尋找對大家更方便且優惠的情報!希望大家會喜歡然後來按個讚啦~ > ///<
We will keep improving ourselves, updating information and discover more and more fun places to go and fun things to do. We want to make your trip more convenience and favorable. Hope you will "like" it! 

JKN Tour Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jkntour

相關旅遊情報 JKN Tour information
JKN Tour Blog: http://jkntour.blogspot.kr/

HongdaeJKHouse Manager: JK (the man on the right hand side)
JKN Tour Manager: Kyle (the man on the left hand side)

若是您對於JKN Tour有相關的疑問,歡迎來信至jkntour@gmail.com
If you have any questions about JKN tour, please feel free to mail us. jkntour@gmail.com
