TRINITEA- 咖啡與斯里蘭卡奶茶
走在首爾市的街頭,你一定可以看到左邊一間咖啡店,右邊一間咖啡店,咖啡是韓國人每天幾乎必喝的飲料,他們最常喝的就是카페 라떼(Cafe Latte,拿鐵咖啡)或是아메리카노(Americano,美式咖啡)。
今天要介紹給大家的就是 JK 的朋友開的特色咖啡館~TRINITEA
On non-rainy days, our little friends polar and stag will be there to welcome you!~
The cafe is filled with interesting decorations the owner acquired from all over the world!
This cafe is well known for its royal milk tea! Spend a lazy afternoon here (like a princess!), try out their royal treats, chocolate muffins, cheesecake~ <3
因為老闆是 JK 的好朋友,所以他同意要給入住 Hongdae JK House 的客人,九折的優惠!只要你出示 COUPON 跟 JK 的名片,就可以獲得 10% 的折扣,跟以下的小點心!
HongdaeJKHouse guest gets special royal treatment! Just flash your Hongdae JK House name card and get a 10% discount off food & beverages! :D
之後 JK 也會努力去找更多美味的餐點或是咖啡廳合作,希望給入住在 Hongdae JK House 的客人來首爾玩的時候,能有更多的優惠及享受~
We are currently working on partnerships with cafes around Seoul as to provide better privileges for our guest! ((:
✪ How to Order?
進入店面之後,會有服務人員幫你帶位並送上菜單,菜單全圖請點此~This is how the menu looks like.
The items are available in English too!
이거 주세요 (請給我這個)(拼音唸法:YI GO CHU SE YO/依婐 啾誰唷)
✪ How to Go?
從 Hongdae JK House 出發,請從大樓出來之後右轉,過馬路後直走,右手邊會看到彩色階梯,請上階梯後直走,TRINITEA 就在你的右手邊唷~(點擊地圖可看大圖!)
Exit from HongdaeJkHouse building, turn right, cross the road and go straight. Look out for a flight of colourful steps. You'll find the cafe on the top of the stairs!
✪ 店家資訊
營業時間:中午 13:00~晚上 23:00
Operation Hours: 1pm~11pm