Hookah bars and 상상마당

I went to a really cool hookah bar in Gangnam last night called Rainbow. It was like, as my friend described it, walking into Bob Marley's basement.

Speaking of hookah bars...Hongdae has a couple of good ones. Gr8 is a cool place. It's got two locations in Hongdae. Both of them are close to the 상상마당.

This is one of the locations: If you're at 상상마당 turn right and you will see it. It's cool inside but the service is not the greatest. Sometimes some tables have 2 pipes for 2 people and then the rest of us wait 30-60 min for one. They also run out of a lot of flavors. I like the other location, I've been there twice but for the life of me, I can't find it again. >.< I remember that it's next to some famous Makgeolli bar. When I find the 2nd location, I will definitely post it.

Until next time...relax and enjoy! ^·~

Side note: If you don't know what 상상마당 is, it's an 11-floor building that has a cinema, an art gallery, a cafe, and a store on the first floor that sells things made by local artists. Since Hongdae is an art district, the place sells really cool things. The basement shows independent movies and there is even live music and theater performances by local artists. I approve ;)
artwork changes a lot...it's really cool!



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